What Is OxaPay And How Does It Work?


Last Update 10 maanden geleden

OxaPay is a crypto payment gateway that allows businesses to accept cryptocurrency payments.

It offers a range of integration options, including payment links, donation features, Telegram channel gateway, Payment API, and merchant web service, making it easy for businesses to get started. 
The fee structure of OxaPay is fixed at a rate of 0.4% transaction fee for numerous transactions which is among the lowest fees on the market.

OxaPay also offers a secure wallet for users to store their crypto assets, providing an added layer of security for businesses and individuals who want to keep their crypto assets safe.
OxaPay is well-positioned to play a significant role in the growth of crypto payments. Its low fees, secure transactions, and innovative features make it a top choice for businesses looking to expand their payment options and adapt to the changing landscape of payment methods.
OxaPay offers a cost-effective way for businesses to accept cryptocurrency payments, with a fixed rate of 0.4% per transaction, which is among the lowest in the market.
Overall, OxaPay is a robust and user-friendly crypto payment gateway that offers a range of features to help businesses accept cryptocurrency payments and adapt to the changing landscape of payment methods.

• What is the main goal of OxaPay?

The main goal of OxaPay is to bring cryptocurrency to its main place in people's lives all over the world by developing a safe and advanced digital payment system and expanding it in the life of the people. The team behind OxaPay believes that the place of cryptocurrency in the current world of business and people's life is not its real place and the speed of its development is very slow. They aim to make crypto applicable in people's lives and make the world a better place for everyone.

• What are the advantages of crypto payments over fiat payments?

Crypto payments offer several advantages over fiat payments, which are transactions made with traditional government-issued currencies like the US dollar or the euro. Here are some key

• Decentralization: 

Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks, such as blockchain, which means they are not controlled by any central authority like a government or a bank. This decentralization eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing transaction fees and increasing efficiency.

• Security: 

Cryptocurrencies utilize advanced cryptographic techniques to secure transactions. The decentralized nature of blockchain makes it resistant to fraud and hacking attempts. Additionally, the use of private and public keys enhances security, ensuring that only the owner of the cryptocurrency can initiate transactions.

• Privacy: 

Crypto payments can provide a higher level of privacy compared to traditional fiat payments. While blockchain transactions are typically transparent and visible to the public, the identities behind the transactions can remain pseudonymous, depending on the cryptocurrency used. This privacy feature can be appealing to individuals who value anonymity in their financial transactions.

• Global Accessibility: 

Cryptocurrencies have a borderless nature, enabling anyone with internet access to participate in the network. This accessibility is particularly advantageous for individuals in underbanked regions or countries with unstable currencies, as it allows them to engage in international transactions and store value securely.

• Speed and Efficiency: 

Crypto transactions are often faster than traditional banking methods, especially for cross-border transactions. Traditional transfers can take days to complete, whereas cryptocurrency transactions can be settled within minutes or even seconds, depending on the network congestion and specific cryptocurrency used.

• Lower Transaction Fees: 

Cryptocurrency transactions generally have lower fees compared to traditional financial systems, particularly for international transfers. This is because cryptocurrencies eliminate the need for intermediaries, such as banks, which often charge significant fees for their services.

• Programmability: 

Smart contracts, a feature of certain cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, allow for the creation of programmable money. This means that payments can be automatically triggered when specific conditions are met, eliminating the need for manual intervention or third-party intermediaries.

• What are the benefits of using OxaPay for accepting crypto payments?

The benefits of using OxaPay for accepting crypto payments on a website include:

• Low fees: 

OxaPay charges a fixed rate of 0.4% per transaction, which is significantly lower than traditional payment methods that can charge up to 3% per transaction.

• Easy integration: OxaPay offers several integration options, including Payment link, donation feature, Telegram channel gateway, Payment API, and merchant web service, making it easy for businesses to accept crypto payments on their websites.

• Secure wallet: 

OxaPay provides a secure wallet for users to store their crypto assets, providing an added layer of security for businesses and individuals who want to keep their crypto assets safe.

• Real-time updates: 

OxaPay offers a user-friendly dashboard that provides real-time updates on all transactions.

• Multiple cryptocurrencies: 

OxaPay supports multiple cryptocurrencies, allowing businesses to accept payments in various digital assets.

• 24/7 support: 

OxaPay provides detailed documentation and 24/7 support to help businesses integrate OxaPay’s payment gateway seamlessly.

. Lowest fee:

Just 0.4%! Profit from the lowest fees on the market

. No KYC documentation is required


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