How Can I Use OxaPay To Transfer any currency With Zero Fees?


Last Update 10 months ago

You can use OxaPay's Payment API to transfer any currency with zero fees. Here are the ways:

A. Internal Transaction:

1) OxaPay hasn't any fee for the internal transaction, which mean transferring any currency between OxaPay addresses is without any fees

B. API Key:

1) Sign up for an account with OxaPay and obtain your API key.

2) Integrate the API into your website using the provided code snippets.

3) Once you've integrated the API, you can start making payments to your users by specifying the amount and the cryptocurrency you wish to use.

4) To transfer any currency with zero fees, you can use the Payment API to mass transfer crypto assets to your users automatically.

5) Simply create an API and check the API documentation to learn how to use the Payment API for mass transfers.

By using OxaPay's Payment API for mass transfers, you can transfer any currency with zero fees, which can save you money on payment processing fees and keep more of your profits. Additionally, OxaPay's Payment API is secure and efficient, ensuring that your users receive their payments promptly and securely.

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