How To Use OxaPay Payout API?


Last Update 9 tháng trước

To use endpoint payment URL's, you must first log in to your account and generate your API key in the Paymout API section.

To generate a new API, observe the following points:

1. You can define some IP addresses that only requests sent from these addresses are validated. It is recommended to do this to increase the security of your account and API keys.

2. The Total daily transfer limit field is used to limit the transfer amount in the last 24 hours. Note that this amount is defined in dollars and when transferring different currencies, their dollar equivalents are included.

3. The Transfer limit per transaction field is defined in dollars to create a limit for each transfer transaction.

To integrate OxaPay's Paymout API into your website or app, you can follow these steps:

1. Sign up for an OxaPay account and obtain your API key.

2. Use the provided code snippets to integrate the API into your website or app.

3. Specify the amount and the cryptocurrency you wish to use for each payment transaction.

4. OxaPay Payout API will take care of the rest, ensuring that your users receive their payments promptly and securely.

If you need assistance with the integration process, OxaPay provides detailed tutorials and documentation on These resources guide you through the setup process step-by-step, ensuring that your payment gateway is up and running in no time.

You can find more information by following the OxaPay documentation 

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