Creating White-Label Payment


Last Update 9 months ago

This endpoint allows you to create white-labeled payments, providing a seamless payment experience while utilizing the OxaPay payment gateway behind the scenes. Rather than generating an Invoice, this method provides detailed payment information, including the payment address, currency, amount, expiration time, and more.

To enhance flexibility and user convenience, you can utilize URI formats, such as the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP-0021). This format allows you to generate a payment link with the crypto address embedded within it. By using the generated URI link, the payer can initiate the payment directly from their preferred wallet application.

Furthermore, you have the option to generate QR codes that contain the URI link. QR codes are easily scannable by wallet applications, allowing the payer to effortlessly open their wallet app and proceed with the payment by simply scanning the QR code. The simplest way to create a QR code is to use Google Chart Service.

Using URI formats and QR codes simplifies the payment process for the payer, as they can quickly open their wallet application with the specified address and amount pre-filled. This user-friendly approach enhances the convenience and efficiency of the payment experience.

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